Wherever my Camera brings me - Newfoundland

by Megan Newman
August 2, 2017

Ice berg off coast of Newfoundland Megan Newman ©

Ice berg off coast of Newfoundland

Newfoundland is a marvellous place to live,  it has so much to offer and there is always an adventure at your doorstep.

Red Chairs Megan Newman ©

Where I live, there is an endless vast landscape being caressed by the wind and ocean. Many areas untouched by industry and stuck in an earlier time.  Part of my aspirations as a photographer are to relay that feeling to you.  And although the pictures are often great it never truly grasps the feeling you experience in these places.

Boats Newfoundland Megan Newman ©

We may work office jobs but once we leave the office there is always an adventure to be discovered and I'm here to tell you my outtakes.

Bunnies Newfoundland by Megan Newman ©

“Wander where the wifi is weak”  This is a quote which has stayed and will forever stay with me.    When we go on an adventure, you won't see us texting or checking facebook.  The most you will see is us taking a selfie. A big part of our adventures is to leave everything else behind and escape into the unknown.

Lobe Head Cove Newfoundland by Megan Newman ©

Lobster head cove

Our typical adventure begins like this on a very cold, and very very early in the morning.   The only thing planned is generally which highway we are going to take.  So we set out.  My aunt Karen and I get in the vehicle and blast some music,  we are pretty serious about Disney tunes and you wouldn't know that we weren't on Broadway the way we belt it out.  We grab our Tim Hortons for the road which is likely the only meal we will eat that day, and set out to see where the cameras take us.

Outport Newfoundland Megan Newmann ©


Before too long we are immersed in a new game of “bush or bear?” or “whale or wave?” There is a game we play and it consists of us trying to figure out what is in the horizon in front of us and whether we are stopping to take pictures of it. Consecutively we don't win this game very often… it's always a bush never a bear.

Field of flowerers Newfoundland by Megan Newman ©

Pitcher plant and coastline Newfoundland Megan Newmann ©
Pitcher Plant

Newfoundland coastline by Megan Newmann ©

Fence Newfoundland by Megan Newman ©
We like to think of ourselves as tourists at home,  yearly I go through all the travel guides and tourist sites and compile a list of things we haven't done or things we should do which never fails to excite.

Moose in winter Newfoundland Megan Newmann ©

We always end up using some shabby makeshift bathroom in the middle of the woods most times.  And let me tell you,  we could write a book on some of the doozys,  outhouses where the doors lock from the outside, or the toilets are lower than the doors. We’ve used bathrooms that are broom closets, buckets in an outhouse, and some that are fern bushes themselves.  It never fails in a few laughs that is for sure.

Boat Newfoundland Megan Newman ©

Winter Newfoundland Megan Newmann ©

We have left my home at 6:00 am to return at 1:00 am the following morning.  We have fished iceberg ice out of the ocean with a stick and a plastic bag.  We have hiked trails where we most certainly believed we were going to die before getting out of it.   We have had the car break down in an area with no cell phone reception and had to wait it out for someone from the family to drive out and pick us up. We have had birds that were not keen on my photo taking, swooping around my head ready to attack.

Seagull Megan Newmann ©

Grey Jay Megan Newmann ©

Grey Jay

We have had the weather change into torrential down pours where the fog rolled up onto the highway and you couldn't tell if you were going to drive right into it, we have had snow storms, we have had days where the wind is so strong the car is being pulled off the road.   Even the weather is an adventure.

Jelly fish Newfoundland Megan Newmann ©

Jelly Fish

I have personally jumped out of a moving vehicle because I seen a whale blow spout some water in the ocean and quite frankly didn't have time to get the words whale out of my mouth in anything more than a scream “WHAAAAAAAAAAAALLE”  I also was in such a panic that I forgot to take my seatbelt off when I got out so it was a less than graceful exit, I have rolled my ankle at the top of Erin mountain and had to hike back down with a swollen foot,  I have almost stumbled off the side of the cliff in Goose Cove because the icebergs were so magnificent I forgot to watch were I was going.

Goose Cove Ice berg  Newfoundland Megan Newmann ©

Goose Cove Ice berg

Being a photographer you learn to notice the little things around you, from the fluffy little flowers to the tadpoles in a brook,  you also become completely immersed in your surroundings and forget what's happening around you. You are sure to guarantee that no matter the trouble you get into the weird things you see or the accidents that happen,  there is always beauty and unexpected treasures around every part of Newfoundland.

Abandoned buildings

Caribou Newfoundland by Megan Newmann ©


Gorge - Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland

The adventures we have along with the negatives that happen, I would never trade for anything in this world. People often overlook the world around them.  The often take for granted the beautiful landscape and tiny little things like flowers and rocks.  So I encourage all of you to step outside and see what's around you.  Get your heads out of your phones and see what the world has to offer.   Many of the places we go,  we would never find had we not wandered down a random road or forgotten trail, had we set out with a specific road plan or itinerary.   If you open your mind to the world around you, the world is a marvellous place with so much to offer.   Adventure on my friends.


Authors Biography & Contact Information

Megan Newman Bio:   My name is Megan Newman,  I have no formal training in photography; however it has been my passion for over ten years.  My heart lies in taking landscape and nature photography.   I am 25 years old and have had an interest in various mediums of art my whole life.

Equipment:   Cameras:  Canon Rebel XS,  Canon Rebel T3I,  Sony RX100.
Lenses:  18-55mm, 55-250mm, 28-80mm, 50mm





Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/MeganWebb.Photographer/
Web Site:   https://mnnewmanphoto.myportfolio.com/
To Buy:  https://www.redbubble.com/people/Meganwebbx/shop?asc=u
E-mail address: mnnewmanphoto@gmail.com

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