Easy-Make Photoshop Recipes
New ebook by Wayne Lynch

A review by Robert Berdan
February 26, 2012

Dr. Wayne Lynch, one of North America's most published nature photographers shows you how he uses Photoshop to improve his photographs and increase their marketability. Wayne admits he is no Photoshop expert, but he has learned how to quickly modify and improve his images using Photoshop with a few quick steps that anyone can apply to improve their own photographs. This easy to read, fun and entertaining ebook shows before and after pictures with step-by-step instructions. Wayne has published more natural history books than any other author in North America - you can view some of his other books on his web site at www.waynelynch.ca

Table of Contents for Easy-Make Photoshop Recipes

Introduction 4
     Wayne's Photoshop Mantra 4
     Fallacies of Photography 9

     A Workflow That Really Works 18

     Copying Digital Files 20

     Levelling the Drunken Horizon 22
     Straightening Curved Horizons 26
     Removing Keystone Effect 28
     Clever Cropping 31
     Content-Aware Scaling 35

     Cleaning Digital Files From Scanned Slides 39
     Cleaning Files From a Digital Camera 43

     Cloning Basics 44
     Pixel Hiding Patch Tool 48
     Clone Stamp Tool 51
     Healing Brush 55
     Content-Aware Fill 56
     The Digital Surgeon: Transplanting Body Parts 59

     Direct Adjustments vs Adjustment Layers 68
     Contrast/Brightness 71


     Levels & Curves 73
     Snazzy Selection Tools 76
     Too Much Contrast 83
     Emulating Ansel 85
     Sky Replacement: From Washed Out to Wow 87
     High Dynamic Range 98

     Color Wheels 101
     Color Casts & Corrections 102
     Color Corrections Using Levels 105
     Selective Color 107
     Polarizing with Selective Color 110
     Changing the Subject's Color 112
     Black and White Conversions 119
     Colorizing Black & White 121
     Orton Effect 123
     Color Saturation 128

     Blending Images to Increase Depth of Field 132
     Distracting Backgrounds 139
     The Power of Eyes 145
     Catchlight - the Lifegiving Difference 147
     The PIzzazz of Panoramas 151
     Fixing Failed Fotos 157
     Panning the Photoshop Way 161
     Cool Creative Filters 163
     Get Sharp or Go Home 168
     Full Meal Deal 174
     Acknowledgements & Author Biography 182


How cropping can modify and greatly affect the impact of a photograph - page 34

How to make a dramatic silhoutte

Sky replacment page 91

Sky replacement 92

Wayne describes how many of the fixes in Photoshop actually make the picture more real when compared to human vision. The human eye for instance can see variations in light that amount to about 20-22 F-stops, whereas the camera at best can see only between 8.5 to 12 F-stops. Processing is required to make the image closer to what we actually see. He also points out that removing a small branch, some guano or other distracting element doesn't affect the biological integrity of the image, but rather improves the aesthetics and can give the image more impact. Wayne has spent 33 years as a fulltime professional photographer and he has learned what works and what doesn't. If you would like to learn how to improve your nature and wildlife photographs and you currently use Adobe Photoshop then this is one book you will want to own.

"This easy to read and follow book is perfect for photographers that want to learn how to quickly improve their existing images . Wayne gets down to business and shows you the techniques he regularly uses to help make his stunning nature photographs. One of the best e-books I have come across"

                                                                                                          Robert Berdan editor Canadian Nature Photographer


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Dr. Wayne Lynch Portrait


Dr. Wayne Lynch is a popular guest lecturer and an award-winning science writer. His books cover a wide range of subjects, including: the biology and behaviour of owls, penguins and northern bears; arctic, boreal and grassland ecology; and the lives of prairie birds and mountain wildlife. He is a fellow of the internationally recognized Explorers Club - a select group of scientists, eminent explorers and distinguished persons, noteworthy for their contributions to world knowledge and exploration. Membership is by invitation only and has included such renowned explorers as Peary, Lindbergh, Byrd, Roosevelt, Stefansson and Issac Asimov. He is also an elected Fellow of the prestigious Arctic Institute of North America . He was elected in recognition of his contributions to the knowledge of polar and subpolar regions. The electing board applauded his diverse career as a naturalist, wildlife photographer and science writer.

Web Site: www.waynelynch.ca

Articles & photography by Wayne on the Canadian Nature Photographer

The Blind Photographer
 Manatee Madness

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