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Demo Lesson 8 - links to other lessons disabled                                             Free Adobe Photoshop HELP Manual for CS4 (PDF)       

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Photoshop I - Lesson 8 Convert to BW, Sepia and return some colour

Example of colour photo converted to BW then the colour in the train returned to its original colour.

This technique can really add impact to some images and you will see how truly easy it is to do with your photos.


  1. Convert a colour image to BW or colour tint like Sepia
  2. Convert a colour image to BW and then return selected areas to colour

You will need the image files in the folder BW_colour to follow along with the video tutorial. See page 36-37 in the tutorial notes.

 Download - BW_color.zip file with images (29 MB)

View Movie Convert to BW and return colour

Note some of the Lessons have more then one video clip and include varying amounts of text, links and additional utilities such as extra PDF files etc. If you are able to follow along with this tutorial then you shouldn't have a problem following any of the other Lessons.



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